How to Start a Lawn Mower that Won’t Start?

Is your lawn mower refusing to start despite your best efforts? Are you troubleshooting and not having any luck? Don’t worry, it’s a common problem. In this blog article, we’ll show you How to Start a Lawn Mower that Won’t Start, and what steps you can take to get it running again. Read on to discover the different solutions that may help restore your machine’s operation!

How to Start a Lawn Mower that Won’t Start

If your lawn mower won’t start, the first thing to do is check the fuel level. If the tank is empty, fill it up and try again. If the tank is full, then check the oil level. If the oil is low, add more and try again.

If neither of these solutions work, then it’s time to troubleshoot the problem further. First, check the spark plug. If it’s dirty or damaged, replace it. Next, check the air filter. If it’s dirty or clogged, replace it.

If neither of these solutions solve the problem, then take your lawn mower to a professional for further diagnosis and repair.

Reasons Why Your Lawn Mower Wont’ Start

There are a few reasons why your it may not start. The most common reason is that the spark plug is dirty or needs to be replaced. Another possibility is that the gas is old and has gone bad. If this is the case, you’ll need to empty the gas tank and fill it up with fresh gasoline.

If your lawn mower still won’t start, you may need to check the air filter. A dirty air filter can restrict air flow and cause the engine to stall. You’ll know if this is the problem if the engine starts but then dies shortly after. To fix it, simply replace the air filter with a new one.

Finally, if none of these solutions work, it’s possible that there is an issue with the carburetor. This is a more serious problem that will require professional help to fix.

How to Fix a Lawn Mower That Won’t Start

If your lawn mower won’t start, there are a few things you can do to try to fix the problem. First, check the oil level and make sure it is full. If it is low, add more oil and try again.

Next, check the spark plug and clean it if it is dirty. If that doesn’t work, try checking the air filter and cleaning or replacing it if necessary. Finally, if all else fails, take your lawn mower to a professional for service.

What is the most common reason a lawn mower won’t start?

There are a few different reasons that a lawn mower might not start, but the most common one is that the spark plug is dirty or faulty. If the spark plug is not firing correctly, then the engine will not be able to start.

Another common reason for a lawn mower not starting is that the carburetor is dirty. A dirty carburetor can prevent the engine from getting enough fuel, which will also prevent it from starting.

How do you start an mower that’s been sitting for a while?

If your mower won’t start, it may be because it’s been sitting for a while. Here’s how to get it started again:

1. Check the oil level and add oil if necessary. A mower that’s been sitting for a while may need new oil.

2. Check the gas tank and add gasoline if necessary. A mower that’s been sitting for a while may have stale gas, which can cause starting problems.

3. Clean the spark plug and gap it properly. A dirty or improperly gapped spark plug can prevent a mower from starting.

4. Check the air filter and clean or replace it if necessary. A clogged air filter can also prevent a mower from starting.

5. Try starting the mower again. If it still won’t start, you may need to take it to a lawn mower repair shop for diagnosis and repairs.

Is there a trick to starting a lawn mower?

If your lawn mower won’t start, there are a few things you can do to try to get it going again. First, check the oil level and make sure that the oil isn’t old and dirty. Next, check the spark plug and make sure it’s clean and in good condition. If neither of these things seem to be the problem, then you might need to replace the fuel filter.


Starting a lawn mower can be frustrating, but with the right knowledge and tools you can get it up and running in no time. By following these steps as outlined above, you will have taken the necessary first steps to diagnose what is causing your issue and will hopefully have found an easy fix for How to Start a Lawn Mower that Won’t Start. Whether it’s checking for fuel or spark problems, replacing the air filter or troubleshooting loose wires, there are plenty of simple solutions that might help you get your lawn mower going again quickly.